

Nachhaltige Entwicklung wird ein grundlegendes Thema sein, das die Politikgestaltung im 21. Jahrhundert bestimmen wird.

System Thinking

Sustainable Development will be a fundamental issue that will define policymaking in the 21 st century. However, designing and implementing successful sustainable policies is an extremely complex process, due to their intrinsically multidisciplinary nature. But most of all the risk of implementing an unassessed policy involves potential high costs. Furthermore, the rapidly evolving technology constantly creates new opportunities and threats that may render human actions ineffective. This limit could be overcome by correctly employing not only the latest digital skills and knowledge but also the way we rethink our approach to Digital Transformation (an example of this can be found in the recent Covid 19 crisis, that has shown the crucial importance of a digital transition of our society).


SYSTEMA aims to bring the Systems Thinking approach into two very complex and highly topical issues such as Sustainable Development and Digital Transformation. The idea is to teach policy makers, professionals dealing with these issues, and younger generations how to abandon a “linear thinking” perspective and adopt systemic thinking when they have to face a problem or make decisions. The project also aims to create a stable network of actors engaged in the promotion of Systems Thinking as a privileged approach in addressing the reference issues, and to establish itself as the first stone of a path of change.


The “core” of SYSTEMA therefore concerns the creation and provision of training courses on the topics of Sustainable Development and Digital Transformation based on the systemic thinking approach and intended for specific target groups identified among the categories of interest.


Coordinator: SYDIC



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