
Frankfurt Business Incubator (FGZ)

Looking for a small temporary office, a shared office in Frankfurt or interested in renting a desk at founder-friendly conditions?

Offices & Workplaces in the Frankfurt Business Incubator - A project of Wirtschaftsförderung Frankfurt am Main GmbH

There are various options at the Frankfurt Startup Center: Start flexible with a simple Workplace or rent a small office – and expand your startup office later as needed. The infrastructure of the Frankfurt incubator offers you not only available desks and offices, but also nice extras like tea kitchens, meeting rooms and a reception area with mail acceptance.

Conveniently located on Hanauer Landstraße in the middle of Frankfurt’s creative district and equipped with its own parking lot, the Frankfurt business incubator is well connected and easy to reach via public transportation as well as by car.

The office community in Frankfurt’s Gründerzentrum consists of founders and young companies from a wide range of industries.

Favorable and flexible conditions allow you to find suitable premises for your start-up project and to expand them individually and according to your needs.


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Du willst dich selbstständig machen, dein eigenes Business starten, dein junges Unternehmen am Markt positionieren oder länderübergreifend durchstarten?
Kompass berät, fördert und unterstützt Gründungsinteressierte, Gründer:innen, Start-Ups & Unternehmen.
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In unserem Newsletter informieren wir über Neuigkeiten aus dem Gründerkosmos in Frankfurt und Deutschland sowie unsere eigenen Programme & Events.

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You want to become self-employed, start your own business, position your young company on the market or go international?
Kompass advises, promotes and supports people interested in founding, founders, start-ups and companies.
Enter your contact details and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


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In unserem Newsletter informieren wir über Neuigkeiten aus dem Gründerkosmos in Frankfurt und Deutschland sowie unsere eigenen Programme & Events.


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