
Energy microloans Hesse

You have started your own business and you are acutely burdened by high energy costs? Not sure how to get your business through the winter?

Then apply now for your "Energy Microloan Hessen" with the support of Kompass!

The fast loans in the amount of 3,000 – 50,000 euros are primarily intended to support small and micro enterprises that are acutely burdened by high energy costs. The loans are granted to all self-employed persons and entrepreneurs in Hessen – regardless of annual turnover or industry.

WiBank will begin accepting applications on Dec. 15, 2022 – and loans will be disbursed beginning in early 2023.

We will be happy to help you with registration and application at: office@kompassfrankfurt.de

For more information on the “Energy Microloan Hesse”, please visit: WIBank

Get your energy loan now and get you and your business safely through the winter!


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