
International Start Ups (ISU)

Here, founders and start-ups who are setting up across national borders will find sustainable support. The program offers events, workshops and individual coaching on various topics such as Doing Business in Germany, immigration law issues, cross border business, business plan development, financing and international matchmaking.

Founding successfully with an international background

The “International Start-ups (ISU)” program paves the way for international start-ups and founders to set up a successful business in Frankfurt am Main. The goal is to optimally test, adapt and realize one’s own business idea. Participants can first check their entrepreneurial potential and take a closer look at their individual prerequisites for a start-up. The program also provides support in developing ideas and skills, creating a business plan, information on part-time self-employment and a suitable financing strategy.

In an initial meeting, Kompass consultants assess the individual needs of founders and draw up a personal roadmap. The content and the timing of the individual topic blocks can be adapted to the individual rhythm, so that hopefully nothing will stand in the way of the success of international founders in Frankfurt.




Du willst dich selbstständig machen, dein eigenes Business starten, dein junges Unternehmen am Markt positionieren oder länderübergreifend durchstarten?
Kompass berät, fördert und unterstützt Gründungsinteressierte, Gründer:innen, Start-Ups & Unternehmen.
Trage deine Kontaktdaten ein und wir melden uns schnellstmöglich zurück.

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In unserem Newsletter informieren wir über Neuigkeiten aus dem Gründerkosmos in Frankfurt und Deutschland sowie unsere eigenen Programme & Events.

Free of charge
Initial interview

You want to become self-employed, start your own business, position your young company on the market or go international?
Kompass advises, promotes and supports people interested in founding, founders, start-ups and companies.
Enter your contact details and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


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In unserem Newsletter informieren wir über Neuigkeiten aus dem Gründerkosmos in Frankfurt und Deutschland sowie unsere eigenen Programme & Events.


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