
Already have a plan B?

Create your professional future with a part-time self-employment!


"Build your professional future with part-time self-employment!"

You want to develop professionally despite the crisis? Looking for additional income opportunities? You have a business idea, but are not yet sure whether you should take the plunge into self-employment?

With this free online workshop you will get impulses and information around your possible start into a part-time self-employment. We support you in the realization of your business idea and discover new professional perspectives with you. We will show you ways to open up new income opportunities or even build a long-term existence as an entrepreneur. You will also get to know entrepreneurs who have already taken this path. Get inspired and discover what your own personal path could look like.



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Du willst dich selbstständig machen, dein eigenes Business starten, dein junges Unternehmen am Markt positionieren oder länderübergreifend durchstarten?
Kompass berät, fördert und unterstützt Gründungsinteressierte, Gründer:innen, Start-Ups & Unternehmen.
Trage deine Kontaktdaten ein und wir melden uns schnellstmöglich zurück.

Anmeldung zum Newsletter

In unserem Newsletter informieren wir über Neuigkeiten aus dem Gründerkosmos in Frankfurt und Deutschland sowie unsere eigenen Programme & Events.

Free of charge
Initial interview

You want to become self-employed, start your own business, position your young company on the market or go international?
Kompass advises, promotes and supports people interested in founding, founders, start-ups and companies.
Enter your contact details and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


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Anmeldung zum Newsletter

In unserem Newsletter informieren wir über Neuigkeiten aus dem Gründerkosmos in Frankfurt und Deutschland sowie unsere eigenen Programme & Events.


Mit dem Laden des Tweets akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von Twitter.
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