
Business Communication/ “Successful Communication

Kompass Online Onlineveranstaltung, Deutschland

"What is communication and how do we communicate in the first place? What are the communication channels? What to look for in communication, especially in everyday professional life, and how to communicate professionally? you will learn in our seminar "Successful Communication". Participation is free of charge.


Doing Business in Germany: how do I start a business?

Seminar on site With this seminar we want to support founders and work through essential aspects during the founding process. The goal is to break down as many barriers as possible and at the same time develop many potentials for start-up prospects. Content: Foundation process step by step Business model Business plan overview Insurance overview […]

Start Up Now

Online seminar for people interested in founding a company and for founders. You have an innovative idea, but still need knowledge about the right positioning on the market? You are highly qualified in your field, but still lack an entrepreneurial overview? At this free event, we will answer your individual questions about starting a business. […]


Trends and opportunities for self-employment

AMKA Mainzer Landstraße 293, Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Deutschland

Seminar on site What moves the world? What are the megatrends? Where are opportunities in individual industries? How can I develop my own individual business idea from this? These are the questions we will address in our presentation. Our goal is to inform you about the current trends in the market and to inspire you […]


Plan B – part-time self-employment

AMKA Mainzer Landstraße 293, Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Deutschland

Seminar on site Already have a plan B? Shape your own professional future now Looking for additional income opportunities? You have a business idea and are not sure whether you should take the step into self-employment? You want to test first whether you are suitable as an entrepreneur? Part-time self-employment could help you discover a […]


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Kompass berät, fördert und unterstützt Gründungsinteressierte, Gründer:innen, Start-Ups & Unternehmen.
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You want to become self-employed, start your own business, position your young company on the market or go international?
Kompass advises, promotes and supports people interested in founding, founders, start-ups and companies.
Enter your contact details and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


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