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Basic knowledge marketing

Marketing encompasses much more than just advertising. It's about looking at and shaping your own business model from the perspective of the market.

“What you need to know for a successful market orientation!”

How do you find your unique selling proposition? What makes your own offer special? How do you position yourself effectively? What opportunities does a targeted brand policy offer? How do customers make purchasing decisions? Which communication channel is suitable for customer acquisition and your own offer?

In this free seminar, you will learn to think, decide and act in a market-oriented way that takes into account your own capabilities and plans as well as the wishes and needs of potential customers and clearly differentiates yourself from the competition.

Because marketing encompasses much more than just advertising. It’s about looking at and shaping your own business model from the perspective of the market.


  • Get to know marketing basics
  • Analyze the wishes and needs of potential customers
  • Check differentiation from competition
  • Develop market-oriented thinking, decision-making and action
  • Viewing one’s own business model from the market’s perspective


  • Build knowledge of marketing and market orientation
  • Successfully align own business model with market, customers and competition
  • Realize successful market orientation

Do you have a business idea and want to start your own business?

Arrange a non-binding and free initial consultation now.

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